Painting / Graphics Iris Irises on yellow background Fern Bouquet Dacha plants Fern #3 Fern #1 Fern on red background Fern #2 Muscari racemosum Lilac Fern on white gray Tulip Cactuses Houseplant Self portrait in vase with chrysanthemums Dacha plant Procession Cheshire Cat Jester and moon Apple Coachman Tiivi Angel Bashkir village Vase in the form of a femalehead Evening road to music school Ascension-1 Ascension-2 Horseman All flies away from my hand 1 All flies away from my hand Incoming in water 1 Incoming in water Town and moon Country house Movement through the ring Action-2 Tree House under moon Cabin in the garden Composition pear Composotion Composition in pink and gray Composition wood Composition web Composition with a bull Composition with vase 1 Composition with vase Composition with unicorn Composition with neck of peacock Composotion-1 Contrabassist Composition-2 Ship of fools 1 Ghost Ship Cat and moon Fortress Cross Wings Forestry deity Leaf of a plant Leaf of a plant 2 Musicians Still life lemons Still life with white bottle Still life with bottle and sweetmeat Still life with bottle and lemon Fallen Angel Fallen Angel 3 Pyramidal tree Pushkin’s fairy tales Stranger Chair Chair-1 Tiger-2 Tiger-1 Three trees Three streams Fly away chairs and ingrowing table Sketch envelope plate Russian songs Girl and wasp Home musicianship Self portrait on blue background with cat Ascension Ship of fools Self portrait with cigarette